The thousands of Federal and State “Unrecognized Tribes” across America that you hear about is our ancestors. You may have heard stories that "all the Indians died from diseases such as the Spanish Flu, wars with the Colonist, that our ancestors were kidnapped by “white men” in Africa, placed in chains, and shipped to the Americas and enslaved. This is the biggest lie ever told in American History. Our ancestors are the Aboriginals/American Indians - “The Copper-Colored Races” found in America by the Europeans” (Noah Webster 1828).
After the British Colonist established the thirteen Colonies (Corporations), their former indentured servants and slaves assembled and decided that they no longer wished to pay taxes to the king/queen of England. Thus, this was the start of the Revelutionary War in which the British were defeated. The former British indentured servants drafted the first U.S. Constitution in 1778. Fast forward our ancestors were admitted into their Corporation in the late 1700 -1800s via their 13th and 14th Amendments. Thousands of our Ancestors from the South did not wish to assimilate into their industrialization system but were forced by the brutal, local State wars and the Civil War. Thus we were admitted under false racial identies such as coloreds, negros, mulattos and blacks. Our American Indian ancestors were the sharecroppers of their owned lands in the Northern and Southern States. They were forced and removed from their homes/farms via imposed fraudulant real-estate laws. Local State legislation separated our "light-skinned" (more European features) from the darker child (Negros) who are the full-blooded first people of north, central and south America!
We just want to tell the truth and no longer hide who we are. We were forced to hide under false skin descriptions: Indians, coloreds, negros, blacks, now African Americans (which was an identity given to our people because our skin is many shades of "brown", and also to make us foreignors to our rightful land - North America). These multiple false racial descriptions were placed upon our people in an effort to avoide the “Indian not Taxed” law in the U.S. Constition.
We are not ashamed to discuss the hidden truths behind our many racial descriptions (Indians, Negros, Coloreds, Mulattos, Blacks, Afro-Americans, African-Americans (false) - We never came from Africa. We are only from the soil of the Americas. That said, The Waya Nation will continue to be a humble people and tell the truth about our history.